jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


I'm moving everything form the blog to 
--> http://year4remedios.wikispaces.com

If you want, you can start discovering this webpage.

Next week we will slowly go through it together in class.

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Learn how to make an anemometer


  • 5 small paper cups
  • A hole punch
  • Tape

How to build it:

1. Use the hole punch to make 4 holes in a cup as in picture A.

2. Put two straws through the holes in the cup. They should cross in a ‘X’. (PICTURES B-C-D)

3. Make a hole in the side of each of the 4 paper cups.

4. Insert the ends of the straws into the holes of the other cups and tape them into place. Make sure the cups are all facing the same direction. (PICTURE E)

5. Take a pencil (you can use a straw too) and make a hole in the bottom of the center cup (PICTURE F-G-H-I)

Present Simple and Present Continuous

Here you have the video and the games we played in class. 
You can keep practicing present simple and present continuous at home.

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

How to make a RAIN GAUGE

It might rain during these days. We don't know for sure but if it rains you must be prepared.

You can do this at home. It's very easy.

This is to measure rainfall.


- An empty plastic bottle.
- A pair of scissors to cut the bottle.
- A permanent marker.
- A ruler.
- Tape.
- Some peebles (small stones)

FIRST, ask an adult to help you cutting the bottle in two. Cut the mouth off at the top where the bottle starts becoming smaller. 

NEXT place some stones in the bottom of the bottle. Turn the top upside down and tape around the edges where the two bottle parts meet.

THEN start marking the bottle with a permanent marker and a ruler using centimeters. Pour water into the bottle until it reaches the bottom strip on the scale. Congratulations, you have finished your rain gauge.

FINALLY place your rain gauge outside where it can collect water when it starts raining. After a rain shower has finished, check to see how far up the scale the water has risen.

What's happening?

Rain falls into the top of the gauge and collects at the bottom, where it can be easily measured. Try comparing the amount of rain to the length of time the shower lasted, was it a short and heavy rain shower or a long and light one?

Welcome back Year 4!

I'm so excited to see you back at school!

I know you are excited too!

Here I will post a photo of our special YEAR 4 door when we finish it.

The house represents our class and everyone of you is a balloon...  we have to work together very hard  to help the class going UP!

So... we will work a lot and we will learn lots of new things

I think this year that starts now will be a great adventure!

martes, 24 de junio de 2014

Have a nice summer!

The school year has come to an end... now it's time to relax and rest.

I will miss all of you... SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER!

...and some from Connor

I want to wish everyone a safe a fun summer. I enjoyed this year so much and loved seeing your improvement throughout the course. Practice speaking English with your friends this summer and play outside as much as you can! Thank you for helping make this year so special and I'll see you in September! 


viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

Some words from Annie...

Hello Everyone,

Thank you so much for such a wonderful year at Virgen de los Remedios!  I had so much fun with all of you this year, and I hope you did too.  I’m so proud of how much you have improved your English.  Have a great summer holiday, and keep working hard next fall.  I will miss every one of you!

“Goodbyes are not forever.  Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you, until we meet again!”

Un beso,


martes, 17 de junio de 2014

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

We're going on a bear hunt...

Year 3A has represented 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' to year 1 children and to pre-schoolers.
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It was fantastic!!! 


You can find some photos here...

As some students asked me, here you have the masks we used. You can print them at home, just in case you want to keep acting.

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

We went to Remedios

We went for a walk to Remedios. We played and laughed. We had lunch in the park and we walked a lot!
It was fun!

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

When I was a baby...

We are learning how to describe people in the past.
Some students brought pictures...

And they explained how they were when they were babies.
For example...
When I was a baby, I had short hair.
When I was a baby, I was shy.

Unit 12: Population

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014


As you know, we are preparing some presentations.

Most of us have chosen a special topic: things we like, for example our favourite food, our favourite animal, a famous person, a city we like, etc.

We started preparing the information about the topics this week but we still have to investigate and gather more information about them.

You can look for information here.

Once we have all we want to say about our topic, we will do a diagram and write everything down.

Monkey Puzzle

3ºB children have chosen to learn this story. 

It's a nice story about a little monkey looking for his mum in the rainforest.

You can listen to it in this video. And read the lyrics here.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

3ºA is reading (learning, singing, acting and painting!) this story:

You can watch it here:

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Our own Solar System

During the second term we made a Solar System. Every group prepared one planet. It was fun!

domingo, 6 de abril de 2014


Last Friday we brought a planetarium to school.

First we saw how the Earth moves rotating and revolving and how seasons come and go.

Then we learnt about lots of different constellations and their names.

Pucho told us some mythological stories which gave names to stars, constellations and galaxies. For example Andromeda's (our closest galaxy), Scorpius' or Pegasus'.

We also met Steve the cat. A cat that travels around space.

Finally we saw the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis: Sun energy hitting the Earth's atmosphere. 

Did you like it?

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Machines diagram

Here you can find the machines we are learning about. What they are and what they do.

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Unit 10: Machines

We just started unit 10: Machines.
In this unit we are going to learn about different types of machines and we are also going to learn the differences between simple and complex machines.

Here you have some webpages you can play with (and learn at the same time) :)

1. Help Twitch collect robot's parts using simple machines: an inclined plane, pulleys, a lever and wheels and axle. HERE

2. Learn about simple and complex machines while you explore the house and the tool shed. HERE


Hi there!
We are 3ºA and 3ºB.
We have started this new blog to show you some webpages we are using in class. We will also post news and photos of our class.

See you!