viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

We went to Remedios

We went for a walk to Remedios. We played and laughed. We had lunch in the park and we walked a lot!
It was fun!

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

When I was a baby...

We are learning how to describe people in the past.
Some students brought pictures...

And they explained how they were when they were babies.
For example...
When I was a baby, I had short hair.
When I was a baby, I was shy.

Unit 12: Population

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014


As you know, we are preparing some presentations.

Most of us have chosen a special topic: things we like, for example our favourite food, our favourite animal, a famous person, a city we like, etc.

We started preparing the information about the topics this week but we still have to investigate and gather more information about them.

You can look for information here.

Once we have all we want to say about our topic, we will do a diagram and write everything down.

Monkey Puzzle

3ºB children have chosen to learn this story. 

It's a nice story about a little monkey looking for his mum in the rainforest.

You can listen to it in this video. And read the lyrics here.