lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

3ºA is reading (learning, singing, acting and painting!) this story:

You can watch it here:

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Our own Solar System

During the second term we made a Solar System. Every group prepared one planet. It was fun!

domingo, 6 de abril de 2014


Last Friday we brought a planetarium to school.

First we saw how the Earth moves rotating and revolving and how seasons come and go.

Then we learnt about lots of different constellations and their names.

Pucho told us some mythological stories which gave names to stars, constellations and galaxies. For example Andromeda's (our closest galaxy), Scorpius' or Pegasus'.

We also met Steve the cat. A cat that travels around space.

Finally we saw the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis: Sun energy hitting the Earth's atmosphere. 

Did you like it?

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Machines diagram

Here you can find the machines we are learning about. What they are and what they do.